Corevac is a recognized leader
in providing underground construction services using vacuum excavation, directional drilling, coring and keyhole technologies to utility and municipal industries in the midwest and throughout the
United States.
Corporate headquarters in Oostburg, Wisconsin with locations in Milwaukee and Appleton.
• Leaders in keyhole technology
• Competitive prices
• Unparalleled reliability
These are the qualities we bring to our customers... guaranteed.
Corevac, LLC offers our
24 hour service,
7 days a week,
365 days a year.
Corevac, LLC
W2385 County Rd A South
Oostburg, WI 53070
(920) 564-3401 fax

Directional Drilling
Directional boring, commonly called horizontal directional drilling or HDD, is a method of installing underground pipes and conduits along a prescribed bore path from the surface, with minimal impact to the surrounding area.
Directional boring is used in place of other techniques for the following reasons:
- Less traffic disruption
- Lower cost
- Deeper installation possible
- Longer installation possible
- No access pit required
- Shorter completion times
- Directional capabilities
- Safer for the environment
The process is used for installing telecommunications and power cable conduits, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, oil lines, product pipelines and environmental remediation casings. It is used for crossing waterways, roadways, shore approaches, congested areas, environmentally sensitive areas and any area where other methods are more expensive.

Directional drilling water services.

Directional drilling 6-inch water main.

Directional drilling 8-inch water main.

Directional drilling (9) 4-inch conduit.

Corevac directional drilling equipment.

Corevac directional drilling equipment.